Friday 11 November 2011

Compare 2 Movies

Movie 1:

Training day
Movie 2 :
Fight club

1.     Equilibrium

A young police officer has a training with a experienced narcotics detective.


A man/narrator can't sleep and tries different alternatives until he creates his own club for fighting with a friend Tyler Durden

2.     Disturbance

The narcotics detective makes the young officer do illegal things and the young officer begins to find out the truth about his trainer that he owes Russians a lot of money for a killing he did in Las Vegas.


Fight club becomes more than a fight club, it becomes an underground cult and it seems Tyler Durden is taking over

3.     Protagonist

The young police officer is an innocent detective just trying to protect the street from drugs and narcotics.

The narrator is the protagonist and actually has no name in the movie. Has deep seeded issues with himself.

4.     Plan

The young police officer has to expose his corrupt trainer while trying to survive the obstacles the narcotics detective has put him through.

He must try to find out what is going on and stop the underground cult before things get out of hand

5.     Obstacle

The narcotics officer makes the young police officer take drugs, perform an armed robbery and almost has him killed.

Tyler Durden is coming up with new plans leaving the narrator to figure out what is going on next.

6.     Complications

The narcotics officer robs a friend and kills him for money and later tries to have the young police officer killed.

Tyler Durden disappears while the cult goes independent and continues without a leader.

7.     Timeout

The young officer is able to escape his killers after the killers find out that the young officer saved the killers little cousin earlier that day.

A friend of the narrator is killed after performing a mission.

8.     Crisis

The narcotics detective made his escape so the young officer must stop him

The narrator must track down Tyler Durden and find out how to stop the cult.

9.     Climax

The young police officer finds him and a gun battle and fighting happens and the young officer doesn't kill the detective.

After searching for Tyler Durden, someone then calls the narrator Tyler Durden. After the narrator being confused Tyler Durnden shows up and explains that the narrator is Tyler Durden and that Tyler Durden is actually the narrators imaginary friend. The narrator tries to stop the cult and finds out that the cult is about to blow up some buildings.

10.   Resolution

The young officer walks away and takes the money while the narcotics detective gets killed by the Russians

The narrator couldn't  stop the cult but is able to stop Tyler Durden appearing in his head. Buildings are still blown up.

Munchkin Experience

From what I've seen and told the game is similar to dungeons and dragons but i don't really know how similar. I tried getting into the game but for some reason I just couldn't focus on it, from the start there was just too much reading which isn't a bad thing but for games usually reading takes away the fun from the game. Also I think it was because of the graphics weren't to appealing to me which is why (as bad as it sounds) I didn't really give the game a chance. It seemed as well that the game has different expansions which is a good thing because it allows it so the game can appeal to different users or gives users a bit of variety.

I think games today need to use less text and look more towards voice-overs because some people get turn off by the fact that they have to read excessive amounts, people just want to explorer straight away and try and figure out it out for themselves.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Define fun + Fun game

Define fun
One of my favorite games is the Hitman series.

The objective of the game is to complete each mission and progress through the story. Each mission there is always a target or targets which the main character, a Hitman, must execute and there may also be objectives you must perform as well. You must figure out how to complete the mission silently making the executions look like accidents and not compromising your identity because you are a hitman.

Obstacles of the game include
Security areas: Sometimes there are security areas which you will need an access card or special disguise to get in.
Security guards: Security guards block you from entering areas, search you for weapons and can attack you.
Innocent people: They can blow your cover, report you, be witnesses. So you have to make sure no one is around when performing a kill or kill the witnesses.

How does the game gradually challenge the player?
The game challenges its player by making missions more difficult, players would have to figure out and learn the area and their target(s) before they make a move, the targets are more exposed making it hard to get a silent kill, hidden targets or disguised enemies and enemies harder to kill. I like how the player has to learn its environment, its surroundings, its enemies and target because it gives the player a chance to come up with their own strategy and plan of attack.
I believe the game is fun because it gives a bit of control to the player, that players can choose a different path to completing a mission. You can either play silent and cause 'accidents' to the targets or assonate them without anyone the wiser or you can go in guns blazing and execute anyone in your way and be reckless.

Defining fun
I believe fun is something that makes you want to come back for more, doing the same thing but having different experience each time regardless of you knowing the outcome. This is what this game does, it has replay value for each mission wanting you to explore more ways to complete it but will always result in the same outcome. Also fun is exploring new ways, this game makes the impossible possible allowing us to explore the way of a hitman and this takes us out of reality and imerses us into a new world and environment.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Advert: Sex'd up Product

I decided to copy the tutorial but very loosely and I just added my own style to it.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Assignment 6: Storyboard

The topic I chose for my project was 'The Little Match Girl', a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.

I do love animated title openings, my favorite one would have to be the title opening to James Bond: Casino Royal.. So I used this as some of my inspiration and design ideas.

So here is my very rough storyboard, was done in photoshop and was used as a guide to help me understand what exactly I wanted.

Because I love animated title openings, I wanted my opening to have that vector graphic style, so I used flash to produce my final product, I used flash because of my experience with it, but to achieve that vector style. With my opening I wanted it to be simple, so I had very little on screen, just text and a match.


Here is the start, text on the left and the match on the right side of the screen


Pans up, while text is changing


Pans up, while text is changing


The head of the match is reviled, and panning stops


The match is lit, to show brightness for the lighting up effect, I made the screen white then fade away, and a silhouette of a person can be seen, this relates to the story


Here the bright whiteness is fading still


Here is the end of the opening, ending with the flame still on and with the title of the fair tale


Then it begins to fade into black

Assignment 5: Brief Writing

Design Brief
Pictographic Narrative
Tell a story with a sequence of images using simplified pictorial signs and symbols

The idea is a series of images which depicts very little on an individual level, but when combined produces a product which conveys not only a story but contains a message. The message being conveyed is “money makes the world go round”, this was chosen because it can be easily depicted symbolically and has a strong meaning and impact.

Design of each symbol will be very simplistic and the purpose of this is to ensure viewers don’t have to figure out what is going on, it will be straight to the point. The entire project will be done in black and white to give it a basic sense, it will not be bias to any colours, gives it that symbolic feel and it will be easy on the viewers eyes. This will symbolic piece, so no text will be used in any of the images, it will rely solely on the symbols to convey the message. There will be two versions of the product; first product will be white background with black symbols and the second will be black background and white symbols. Each symbol will be divided into 6x6 inch squares on a 18x12 inch canvas.

With the ever growing speed of technology, more and more people have mobile phones, especially smart phones, this is why the final product will be produced for mobile phone devices, it will be designed as an animated wallpaper. The product should be able to run smoothly on most mobile phones, so to ensure this the product file size should be as small as possible.

The wallpaper will be animated so that each symbol will appear one after each other, but in a smooth fading transition, the animation should be at a medium pace, so that it’s not too quick for viewers to miss out on the symbol but it also shouldn’t take long.

The target audience will be probably directed more towards adults mainly because it seems relevant and they can relate to the message being conveyed. An adult has to be responsible, make a living and get a job, when all this happened they get to see the real world and realise how to world functions which will allow them to understand the meaning of “money makes the world go round”.

Friday 6 May 2011

Assignment 4: Illustration with a social conscience

I chose to do my assignment on the Homeless.

I did some research by searching up some poster ideas and I saw that most of them are very simple here are 2 examples

As you can see they are very simple and straight forward, so I decided to use the same design concept.

I wanted my poster to be effective without being too graphic. Because of the topic it can be a bit disturbing for people so my idea was to depict the environment of the homeless, with small messages.

Here are my two designs:
